New Ceramic Tiled Benches

Benches By Local Artist Leonard Todd
Benches By Local Artist Leonard Todd
Roses do best with uniform soil moisture throughout the growing season. The general rule of thumb suggests that one inch of water be applied per week during the growing season. The amount and frequency of application will depend on soil type. Sandy soils will need more frequent irrigation than heavier clay soils. Hot temperatures would […]
Antique Roses Generally agreed to refer to roses in cultivation before 1867. Floribunda Roses A class of modern roses noted for large flowers, often in clusters. Most gro two to four feet. Grandiflora Roses Modern Hybrid class with high centered blooms similar to Hybrid Teas and larger than Floribundas. Being a hybrid of Floribundas and […]
Pruning Heavy pruning of roses generally occurs in North Central Florida around late February to early/mid March depending on temperature. Autumn pruning is considerably lighter than Spring pruning, usually done around early September but as with Spring it is largely temperature dependent. Sucker Removal On grafted roses vigorous branches may emerge from time to time […]
When Planting your Rose Bush, add: 25 Lbs. of Composted Cow Manure 1 cup Bone Meal 1/2 cup Epsom Salts (Magnesium Sulfate) Rose Fertilizer (Follow directions on fertilizer) Mix with backfill and water plant thoroughly. Repeat as a top dressing in the Spring and Fall. Water thoroughly on a daily basis for the first three […]